Frequently Asked Questions


Are you currently accepting new students?

Soon, we hope! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and our transition to virtual classes, we decided to put a pause on taking on any new students. We transitioned to outdoor classes this Spring and will continue to have classes there weather and daylight permitting. We hoped to be back in our dojo this fall but it seems like that will not be the case. As a community-focused program we do not have our own private dojo which means that unfortunately we are unable to control or predict when we will be able to re-enter our dojo in Egleston Square. We are eager to accept new students and are currently working on a new plan so check back in!

Is there a way for me to express interest in joining?

Yes! You can fill out this form. Keep in mind that this form DOES NOT guarantee me a spot. However, when a spot in your age-range becomes available, we will contact you to come visit the dojo.

And then what?

When there are spots available for a student/s we invite them to come visit the dojo (anyone under 18 should be accompanied with a legal guardian) and observe 2 classes. We do this because we are really passionate about what we do and what we have built! By experiencing it first hand you'll come to realize that this is unlike any other dojo you've seen. So, we want to make sure this is will be a good fit for everyone and we understand that it won't always be. During these visits you'll observe and also have an opportunity to meet the Senseis, other black belts, students and families, get more information and ask any questions you have.

How old (or young!) do students need to be to take class?

We take students as young as 5. On rare occasions we consider taking as early as 3.5. How young? We haven't found out yet! On of our most beloved students stepped foot into our dojo for the first time when she was in her 80s! Along with her daughter and grandson.

How are classes divided?

By rank! It's quite experience. In Gotan Ryu, a white belt is a white belt regardless of age. And a black belt a black belt regardless of age! It also means that as an adult orange belt, you might be taught and directed by a 10 year old red belt as you stand in the same line with a 7 year old orange belt. (We do split up into groups to ensure developmentally appropriate instruction for all students.)

When are classes?

Friday evenings and Saturday mornings.

What do I wear to class?

Something comfortable that allows for complete body movement and the coverage necessary for your comfort. In our dojo, you need to earn your Gi (uniform) and Obi (belt). Trust us, it makes having a white belt feel a lot more special than they make it out to seem in the movies.

Are Sensei Eugenia and Sensei Vicky the only ones running the program?

Not at all! We have an amazing team of black belts (and advance belts!) playing a crucial role in everything we do. Without our team, we would not be here today. Check out our Our Black Belts page to learn more about who they are!

Is this Kyoshi Paterson's karate school?

Yes, and not quite. Arroyo's Program is a proud part of East Coast School of Combined Martial Arts, which is led by Kyoshi Paterson. We call ourselves "Sister Schools"- one big East Coast family training in the art of Gotan Ryu. However, Arroyo's Program is ran by Sensei Eugenia and Sensei Vicky Arroyo from a separate dojo. Though Kyoshi's teachings are passed down to students in the Arroyo's Program, he does not provide direct instruction to our students. Operations and logistics at both dojos run independently of each other. We proudly represent and honor our beginnings and the larger family we belong to, and also take great pride and credit in what we have created as a separate dojo. As does Kyoshi himself! For more info, check out our About Us page!

I used to train in another system/school and am a _____ belt. If I start training here, can I wear my belt?

We have really enjoyed training students from other styles and dojos! It creates an amazing opportunity for growth on all ends. And, when you step into our dojo, you are our students beginning your Gotan Ryu journey which means you will go through the same process as any other beginner to Gotan Ryu. If you have prior Gotan Ryu training from any other dojo, we will discuss with Kyoshi to create a plan for you to earn your belt back.